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xs650 > > The Swap Meet > > A place to clean out your garage - Give Aways > > Rules - Must read before posting.

Rules - Must read before posting.
    Forum Index -> A place to clean out your garage - Give Aways
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Joined: Feb 09, 2005
Posts: 431

PostPosted: July 23, 2006, 11:59 pm    Post subject: Rules - Must read before posting.

The Rules. . .

1. Spamming will not be permitted!
2. 650Rider.com and it’s moderators will not be held responsible for trades.
3. Your give away post should be as descriptive as possible, post part numbers and/or pics whenever possible.
4. Once an item is given away, you should re-post. State that the item is gone, what site member got it and if it was a give away or a trade.
5. Do not use the forum for discussion, use PM’s and E-mail, this way the forum is easy to read without a lot of clutter.
6. This is not a “Barter System”. If you have something that someone needs, and that person has posted something to give away, per the rules, go ahead and send him/her that item.
7. Remember, we’re here to help. Shipping should be on the sender unless shipping is high, and then an agreement should be reached between the sender and the recipient.
8. You can't post a “Wish List”.
9. You can post a “Give Away” list.
10. You can post a “Need” only if you post something to give away.
11. After you have completed a give-away by the rules your user status icon will be edited to:

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