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Yamaha XS650, 650 Rider Photo Gallery > > Members Galleries > > Wulf > > Wulf's

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650 Chopper #3
Beautiful, except for the tank.  Looks like it's just stuck there with no real thought for keeping the lines right.  Stretched tank would be better.
650 Chopper #3
Beautiful, except for the tank. Looks like it's just stuck there with no real thought for keeping the lines right. Stretched tank would be better.
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Upload by:Wulf
Album name:Wulf's
Rating (4 votes):(current rating : 5 / 5 with 4 votes)
URL:Bookmark Image
Favorites:Add to Favorites Album
RUSSO [February 21, 2005 @ 06:30 PM]
Like the controls of this bike too. Looks very clean
zipheretoo [November 19, 2005 @ 04:34 AM]
I say the bro put together one bad a-- chop[like a diferent tank bild it yourself] zip
ridetwowheels [December 05, 2005 @ 02:42 AM]
Nice, who did your frame? I am just begining to chop my '79 and need some guidance.
Taiji_Dat [December 29, 2005 @ 03:08 PM]
Nice!!!! What foward controls did you use and how easy were they to install? Sweet Chopper!!
crazyjohnny [December 27, 2007 @ 05:38 PM]
I really LIKE this. What type of front forks are used for the larger tire? Laughing
moondog [October 24, 2008 @ 01:32 PM]
SAWEEEEET! Where can I find the details on this one? Forward controls? Wheels/tires? Rake?
SnailStoves [March 11, 2009 @ 01:53 AM]
crackin spot for the tool roll............
SnailStoves [March 11, 2009 @ 01:54 AM]
crackin spot for the tool roll............

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